Knowing It Is OK to Slow Down Your Home School Load

We have had several seasons where even though home schooling was important, it was not our focus.   I have learned during this time to have grace with myself and be ok with what lessons get done and do not get done. 

Along the way I have learned what needs to stay in our routine, and what needs to be put on hold for that moment.  Some skills need to continue, the best way you can, and some can be learned or put on hold for a later time.  For us, the skills we usually continue with are Reading, Math and some form of Writing.  This does not always mean continuing with the curriculum we have already been suing for the year.  Sometimes it means allowing the to read for pleasure or picking up a fun new workbook to practice writing or to brush up on a math skill that has been troubling them. 


We usually slow down all the rest of our subjects (science, geography, supplements, etc.  I have tried to continue with our sonlight cores but try not to get upset if we “fall behind”.  Sonlight is easy to stop and start or to play catch-up with.  We can always read extra when we are out of the time we have needed to slow down for a bit.  I will double up reading (or even illuminate a reader/read aloud) if we need to. 

This philosophy does not just apply t when we must slow down for a large chunk of time.  W also have random minimal school days when I see we need them throughout the year.  A child may get sick, and while the sick child does not have to work on school, I will do a lighter day with the other.  There may even be days when Momma is sick (hello first trimester of this current pregnancy).  There have even been days where I can just tell we need the break, but not a full day off.  We get the basics done and I am content that we have accomplished something for the day.


The trick to this is to not do it every day or at least have a plan or goal date to turn to a full school load again.  So, if you are feeling frazzled or overwhelmed take a minimalistic approach to your home school day or week.  Rejuvenate yourself and your home school.  It is ok.  No one should judge you; it is not their life to begin with.